The physico-chemical and organoleptic quality changes in apple cvs 'Golden Delicious', 'Royal Delicious', 'Red Delicious' and 'Rich-A-Red' exposed to gamma radiation doses of 0.1,0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 kGy for quarantine and preservation purposes, were studied up to 6 months of storage at 2-4°C. Among the four cvs, 'Rich-A-Red' treated with 0.1 kGy dose showed better retention of sensory attributes and minimal changes in texture, total soluble solids, acidity and vitamin C content during storage. Results indicate that irradiation has commercial potential for apples as an alternative quarantine treatment for export requirements. (1970): Effects of gamma irradiation on changes in acidity, vitamin C and non-protein nitrogen of apples. Himsaki Daigaku Nogahwbu Gakujutsu Thomas P (1986): Radiation preservation of foods of plant origin. Part V. Temperate fruits: pome fruits, stone fruits and bemes. CRC Rev. Food Sci. Nutr: 24(4), 357-400. Thomas P, Bhushan B & Joshi h4R (1995): Comparison of the effect of gamma irradiation, heat-radiation combination and sulphur dioxide generating pads on decay and quality of grapes. 1. Food Sci Tech. 32(6), 477-481. Tobias RB, Conway WS, Sams CE, Gross KC & Whitaker BD (1993): Cell wall composition of calcium treated apples inoculated with B o t y i s cinerea Phytmhem. peaches and apples. J. Food Q d i t y 14,299-305. 49(70), 14182-14185. H o~o~u , 16(1). 1-9. 32(1), 35-39. Int J Food Sci Nutr Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 06/22/15For personal use only.