We ascribe the twin kilohertz Quasi Periodic Oscillations (kHz QPOs) of X-ray spectra of Low Mass X-Ray Binaries (LMXBs) to the pseudo-Newtonian PACS numbers: 97.60.Jd, 97.80.Jp, 04.80.Cc Until now about twenty LMXBs have been discoveried to exhibit kHz QPOs, include one X-ray pulsar, with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) since the early 1996, briefly after its launch [1][2][3]. The Z sources (Atoll sources), which are high (less) luminous neutron-star lowmass X-ray binaries [4], typically show four distinct types of QPOs [1]. At present, these are the normal branch oscillation (NBO) 5 − 20 Hz, the horizontal branch oscillation (HBO) ν H 15 − 60 Hz [1], and the kHz QPOs ν 2 (ν 1 ) 200 − 1200 Hz that typically occur in pairs, upper frequency ν 2 and lower frequency ν 1 . In several Atoll sources, nearly coherent ν burst 330 − 590 Hz oscillations have also been detected during thermonuclear Type I X-ray bursts, which are considered as the spin frequency of NS or twice of them. All of these QPOs but the burst oscillation have centroid frequencies that increase with inferred mass accretion rateṀ , and are tightly correlated with each other [5,6]. In some cases, these correlations appear to depend weakly on the other properties of the sources [5,6]. For example, the frequencies ν 2 and ν 1 , as well as the frequencies ν 2 and ν H follow very similar relations in five Z sources [5,6]. However the frequency separation between the upper and the lower kHz QPOs ∆ν ≡ ν 2 − ν 1 decreases systematically with instantaneousṀ in some cases, e.g. Sco X-1 [1,7], 4U1608−52 and 4U1728−34 [1,8,9], then in the latter the observed coherent burst frequency 364 Hz is higher than its maximum ∆ν ∼ 355 Hz [1,9].A number of theoretical models have been proposed to account for the QPO phenomena in X-ray NS systems. For the high frequency of kHz QPOs and its proportional relation to the accretion rate, simply, the upper kHz QPO ν 2 is considered to originate from the Keplerian orbital frequencies at the preferred radius close to the compact object, which exhibit the inner accretion flows, however the lower kHz QPO ν 1 is attributed to the beat of such frequency with the stellar spin ν s [10]. Recently, the general relativistic effects are paid much attetion to account for kHz QPOs [11,12], which can explain the varied kHz QPOs separation ∆ν. Then the varied ∆ν seems to exclude the simple beat explanation for kHz QPOs [1,6], which predicts a constant frequency separation. However, it is also a common phenomenon for the separation ∆ν to be approximately constant. The range of ∆ν is also quite narrow across different sources (∆ν ≈ 250 − 360 Hz) with a nearly coherent frequency of ν burst ≈ 330 − 590 Hz. In some cases (such as 4U 1702-43 and KS 1731-260) the burst frequency is consistent, to within the errors, with the frequency separation ∆ν, or twice its value 2∆ν. So the approximately constant separation in some sources seems also to make the purely GR precession model in difficulty. Although many other viable new ideas are also propo...