Fortyeight resonances of the 34S(p, y)aSCl reaction in the proton range Ep= 1 --2 MeV have been observed. Gamma decay of twentyeight of these was investigated by means of a 55 em 3 Ge(Li) detector, and the energies and branching ratios of several bound states have been determined. The Q-value was found to be 6367.0_ 1.5keV. The lifetimes 150__20, 400__+140, 19-t-4, 14-t-2, 145+50, 20+5, 20+4, 42+4 and 7-1-3 fs were determined with the DSA method for the states at 1219, 1763, 2694, 3003, 3944, 3967, 4059, 4178 and 4882 keV, respectively. The experimental transition strengths were found to be in agreement with those given by manyparticle shell-modell calculations.