The ultracompact minihalos could be formed during the earlier epoch of the Universe. The dark matter annihilation within them is very strong due to the steep density profile, $ r À2:25 . The high-energy electrons and positrons from the dark matter annihilation can inverse Compton scatter with the background photons, such as cosmic microwave background photons, to acquire higher energy. On the other hand, the synchrotron radiation can also be produced when they meet the magnetic field. In this paper, we study the signals from the ultracompact minihalos (UCMHs) due to the dark matter annihilation for the radio, x-ray and -ray band. We found that for the radio emission, the UCMHs can provide one kind of source for the radio excess observed by ARCADE 2. But the x-ray signals due to the inverse Compton scatter effect or the -ray signals mainly due to the prompt emission from dark matter would exceed the present observations, such as Fermi, COMPTEL, and CHANDRA. We found that the strongest limits on the fraction of UCMHs come from the x-ray observations, and the constraints from the radio data are the weakest.