A BS TRACT: Over the last three decades, measuring and modulating cerebellar activity and its connectivity with other brain regions has become an emerging research topic in clinical neuroscience. The most important connection is the cerebellothalamocortical pathway, which can be functionally interrogated using a paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation paradigm. Cerebellar brain inhibition reflects the magnitude of suppression of motor cortex excitability after stimulating the contralateral cerebellar hemisphere and therefore represents a neurophysiological marker of the integrity of the efferent cerebellar tract. Observations that cerebellar noninvasive stimulation techniques enhanced performance of certain motor and cognitive tasks in healthy individuals have inspired attempts to modulate cerebellar activity and connectivity in patients with cerebellar diseases in order to achieve clinical benefit. We here comprehensively explore the therapeutic potential of these techniques in two movement disorders characterized by prominent cerebellar involvement, namely the degenerative ataxias and essential tremor. The article aims to illustrate the (patho) physiological insights obtained from these studies and how these translate into clinical practice, where possible by addressing the association with cerebellar brain inhibition. Finally, possible explanations for some discordant interstudy findings, shortcomings in our current understanding, and recommendations for future research will be provided.The cerebellum is a highly complex brain region that fulfills a crucially important role in a variety of seemingly natural processes, including postural control, locomotion, and numerous cognitive functions. As an integration center receiving multimodal sensorimotor information from the spinal cord, cerebral cortex, and vestibular nuclei, it continuously compares efference copies and reafference signals and corrects for discrepancies between them to enable the execution of smooth, well-coordinated movements. Notably, given the dearth of direct connections between the cerebellum and peripheral nervous system, this intricate task is mainly accomplished by modulating the excitability of the primary motor cortex through the cerebellothalamocortical tract. 1,2 In 1995, Ugawa and colleagues demonstrated the possibility of quantifying the integrity of the cerebellothalamocortical pathway as a neurophysiological outcome measure by means of a painless paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) paradigm. 3,4 In an influential series of experiments, they showed a reduction of the motor evoked potential (MEP) amplitude when a conditioning stimulus was delivered across the contralateral skull base in a time window of 5 to 7 ms prior to a magnetic pulse over the motor cortex. 4 Given the absence of such a suppression effect in two patients with cerebellar ---