Gamow-Teller (GT) transitions for 76 Ge using QRPA methods in this article are calculated, which play an essential role in the supernovae. Three different QRPA models are used to calculate the GT strength distributions. QRPA models are namely single quasi-particle (sqp), Pyatov Method (PM) and the Schematic Model (SM). Gamow-Teller distribution, ΣB(GT)-, the centroid of energy, the width of energy and ISR are calculated by using these models. The effect of particle-particle interaction on spherical nuclei and deformed nuclei on Gamow-Teller transitions is wanted to show in this paper. Deformed Woods-Saxon potential is used in calculations of Single-particle energies and wave functions. The results are also compared with previous theoretical calculations and measured strength distributions wherever available. It is expected that the current study of GT features would be helpful and may guide to a better knowledge of the Pre-supernova progression of massive stars.