Abstract-This review article focuses on remodeling of gap junctions in response to chemical mediators of ventricular hypertrophy, mechanical forces, and alterations in cell-to-cell adhesion. Signaling mediated by mechanical forces is likely to be involved in the upregulation of cardiac gap junctions during the early phase of cardiac hypertrophy and the subsequent downregulation in cardiac failure. Several signaling pathways involving cAMP, angiotensin II, transforming growth factor-, vascular endothelial growth factor, and integrin-mediated regulators have been shown to affect expression of gap junction proteins. However, a comprehensive view of regulation of gap junction trafficking, synthesis, and degradation is still lacking. In addition to gap junction regulation by extracellular mechanical forces, there is a close relation between gap junctions and adhesion junctions and their linkage to the cytoskeleton. This can be inferred from experiments on neoformation of cell-to-cell coupling, concomitant upregulation of adherens and gap junctions after mechanical stretch, and human cardiomyopathies caused by genetic defects in cell-cell adhesion junction proteins. The molecular mechanisms responsible for the interaction between mechanical and functional cell-to-cell coupling remain to be elucidated. Key Words: gap junctions Ⅲ adhesion junctions Ⅲ mechanical signaling Ⅲ remodeling Ⅲ cardiac hypertrophy and failure C onnexin proteins form intercellular pores in many tissues, such as myocardium, vascular endothelium, and brain. 1 Twenty distinct connexin genes have been identified in the human genome. Three types of connexins, connexin43 (Cx43), Cx40, and Cx45, are expressed in heart. 1 Cx43 is abundant in atrial and ventricular myocardium. 2,3 Cx40 is expressed in atrial tissue and in the atrioventricular conducting system. Cx45 is observed in the sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes, and small amounts colocalize with Cx43 in adult ventricular myocardium. 4 Six connexin proteins oligomerize to form a hemichannel (connexon) that migrates to the cell surface membrane and becomes incorporated at the periphery of existing junctional plaques, 5,6 where it combines with a corresponding hemichannel in an adjacent cell to form a complete gap junction channel. Colocalization of different connexin proteins in gap junction plaques, observed immunohistochemically, 7-9 probably reflects formation of heterotypic or heteromeric gap junction channels, as shown in expression systems (oocytes or immortalized cell lines). 10 -12 A major role of gap junctions in the myocardium is to enable rapid and coordinated electrical excitation, a prerequisite for normal rhythmic cardiac function, and probably also to facilitate intercellular exchange of small molecules, such as regulatory proteins. Because diffusion of molecules across gap junctions is possible up to a molecular weight of Ϸ1000 Over the past years, many of the molecular and biophysical properties of gap junction channels have been described. For example, it has been shown that ...