We analyze side-coupled standing-wave cavity structures consisting of Fabry-Perot and photonic crystal resonators coupled to two waveguides. We show that optical bright and dark states, analogous to those observed in coherent light-matter interactions, can exist in these systems. These structures may be useful for variable, switchable delay lines. © 2007 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 230.5750, 230.7370. In this Letter, we show the unique dispersion properties of single-mode, side-coupled (SC) cavity structures can be used to generate large variable, switchable delays. Using a transfer-matrix method, we first calculate the dispersion and transmission properties of SC structures based on coupled Fabry-Perot (FP) resonators. We show these structures support "bright" and "dark" states, accessible by tuning the relative phase of the input fields. In analogy with electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) [1], here a dark state is one in which the resonators are not excited by the optical signal even on resonance. We then show that these bright and dark states also exist in photonic crystal waveguide-cavity structures. Finally, we illustrate how these dark and bright states can be used to construct variable, switchable delay lines. We first consider structures consisting of two waveguides side coupled to a periodic chain of FP resonators. They can take the form of either (i) a FP coupled-resonator optical waveguide (CROW) side coupled to two waveguides (FP-SC-CROW) as in Fig. 1(a) or (ii) a SC integrated spaced sequence of resonators (SCISSOR) with FP cavities (FP-SCISSOR) as shown in Fig. 1(b) [2,3]. The primary difference between the devices in Figs. 1(a) and 1(b) is the degree of coupling between adjacent cavities: the FP-SC-CROW reduces to the FP-SCISSOR in the limit of zero interresonator coupling. In general, the FP resonators in the middle waveguide can be replaced with other single-mode cavities, as long as the resonators support only one mode on resonance. In contrast, microrings, for example, support two degenerate modes on resonance.To analyze the coupled waveguide structures in Fig. 1, we employ a transfer-matrix method in which we propagate the incoming and outgoing fields along z. In general, the transmission properties of each unit cell in Fig. 1 can be described by a 6 ϫ 6 matrix; the field at a particular point in z can be described by ͓e 1 e 2¯e6 ͔ T . The vector includes both the forward-and backward-propagating fields in the resonator and the two waveguides [4]. To relate the fields at z = 0 and z = ⌳ for a structure that has inversion symmetry with respect to the center of the unit cell, we use the scattering matrix
͑1͒where e + = ͓e 1 e 3 e 5 ͔ T and e − = ͓e 2 e 4 e 6 ͔ T . T and R are 3 ϫ 3 matrices describing the transmission and reflection properties of the unit cell, and their explicit forms are presented in [4]. The scattering matrices can be made more tractable by accounting for nearest waveguide coupling only and neglecting the coupling between the outer waveguides and t...