The small GTP‐binding proteins Ras and Rap regulate important cellular events switching between an activated GTP‐bound form and an inactivated GDP‐bound state. Guanine exchange factors (GEFs) control the GDP to GTP‐bound cycle, while the conversion, through hydrolysis, of GTP to GDP is catalysed by GTPase‐activating proteins (GAPs). The GAPs complete Ras and Rap catalytic site for efficient GTP hydrolysis. Although Ras and Rap are highly homologous, they possess different residues in the catalytic site. In consequence, Ras and Rap GTPase‐activating proteins (RasGAPs and RapGAPs) are structurally unrelated and use different mechanisms. Surprisingly, there are several RasGAPs with dual Ras/Rap specificity: SynGAP; GAP1 family members GAP1
, Rasal and Capri; and Plexins. This characteristic was an intriguing issue for years, but today structural and biochemical studies have enlightened the overall general mechanism of these dual GAPs.
Key Concepts
Small GTP‐binding proteins Rap and Ras control different cellular signalling switching between inactive GDP and active GTP‐bound states.
Ras and Rap GTPase‐activating proteins (RasGAPs and RapGAPs) inactivate their downstream signalling catalysing the GTP hydrolysis, using RasGAP and RapGAP domains.
RasGAPs–Ras‐GTP interaction positions Ras Gln61, situated in switch II loop, for nucleophilic attack, while the GAP contributes an Arg (arginine finger) to neutralise unfavourable negative charges of the reaction intermediate.
Rap has a Thr in position 61, and RapGAPs catalyse GTP hydrolysis, contributing an Asn (Asn thumb) for nucleophilic attack.
There are five RasGAPs with dual Rap/Ras specificity: SynGAP, Rasal, GAP1
, Capri and Plexin.
Dual GAPs need extra‐GAP domains to act as RapGAPs.
Dual GAPs promote a specific orientation of Rap switch II, locating Gln63 as the catalytic residue.
Plexin‐Rap X‐ray structure showed that residues of GAP domain and an extra‐GAP motif (juxtamembrane segment) are responsible for Gln63 correct orientation.
SynGAP, Rasal, GAP1
, Plexin and Capri do not share the same residues, and thus they still need to be found.