Summary. Galactosylceramide ,3-galactosidase (cerebrosidase) and nonspecific ,B-galactosidase activities were measured in both cultured skin fibroblasts and leucocytes from a family with Krabbe's globoid cell leucodystrophy (GLD). The activities of these enzymes were also determined in cultured skin fibroblasts of a patient with GM1 gangliosidosis and in cultured amniotic fluid cells. While cerebrosidase activity was deficient in GLD fibroblasts and leucocytes, its activity in GM1 gangliosidosis fibroblasts was increased.Two forms of each enzyme were found on isoelectric focusing, but in the GM1 gangliosidosis fibroblasts, cerebrosidase activity occurred as a single but intermediate peak. The use of cultured cells in assessing isoenzyme abnormalities associated with certain neurolipidoses is discussed.Krabbe's globoid cell leucodystrophy (GLD) is an inherited metabolic disorder of the nervous system. Onset is usually in early infancy and is followed by rapidly progressive cerebral degeneration, with massive loss of myelin, accompanied by severe astrocytic gliosis and infiltration of the white matter with numerous characteristic multinucleate globoid cells. While there is a reduction in the white matter of galactolipids, galactosylceramide may be retained, and the cerebroside/sulphatide ratio tends to be increased.The basic defect of the disease has been shown (Suzuki and Suzuki, 1970)