A member of the Liliaceae family, garlic (Allium sativum) is highly regarded throughout the world for both its medicinal and culinary value. Early men of medicine such as Hippocrates, Pliny and Aristotle encouraged a number of therapeutic uses for this botanical. Today, it is commonly used in many cultures as a seasoning or spice. Garlic also stands as the second most utilized supplement. With its sulfur containing compounds, high trace mineral content, and enzymes, garlic has shown anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and antioxidant abilities. Diseases that may be helped or prevented by garlic's medicinal actions include Alzheimer's Disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease (including atherosclerosis, strokes, hypertension, thrombosis and hyperlipidemias) children's conditions, dermatologic applications, stress, and infections. Some research points to possible benefits in diabetes, drug toxicity, and osteoporosis.