For personal use only.
A.3 Simulation in the Eighties
209or wireframe based. This meant that geometry was represented as surfaces with no thickness displayed. However, when meshed the local thickness information was assigned to elements. It was thus a time ripe for the introduction of finite element methods using 2.5D or Hele-Shaw approximation. Indeed the 2.5D approximation enabled the advancement of both academic and commercial software. Such is its importance that we provide a detailed derivation of the equations in Chapter 5. This decade saw a rapid evolution of computer hardware. In the early eighties, large mainframe systems and time-share distribution of software were common. In the mid-eighties the hardware moved to the super mini, while at the end of the decade the UNIX workstation was introduced. The latter provided vastly improved graphics and higher computational speed.
A.3.1 Academic Work in the EightiesIn the eighties, academic and commercial interest extended to other aspects of the process. Certainly there were further advances in simulating the filling phase, but interest shifted to other phases of the process. Consequently we find a broadening of simulation to the packing and cooling phases. Another feature of this period is the formation of several centers focusing on the injection-molding process. Each center was based around a university department, and each produced its own computer code to further research on simulation of molding.
A.3.1.1 Mold FillingMcGill University had a team led by Musa Kamal. As well as academic work on foundations, the McGill group developed the McKam software for molding simulation [187]. McKam used the finite difference method for numerical calculations and utilized the most advanced algorithms available. Analysis of both filling and packing phases was possible, and the program focused on the long-term goal of determining product properties such as birefringence and tensile modulus. In 1986 Lafleur and Kamal [215] presented an analysis of injection molding that included the filling, packing, and cooling phases with a viscoelastic material model.