. Velocity and attenuation of sound in the isolated fetal lung as it is expanded with air. J Appl Physiol 98: 2235-2241, 2005. First published February 3, 2005 doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00683.2004We measured the velocity and attenuation of audible sound in the isolated lung of the near-term fetal sheep to test the hypothesis that the acoustic properties of the lung provide a measure of the volume of gas it contains. We introduced pseudorandom noise (bandwidth 70 Hz-7 kHz) to one side of the lung and recorded the noise transmitted to the surface immediately opposite, starting with the lung containing only fetal lung liquid and making measurements after stepwise inflation with air until a leak developed. The velocity of sound in the lung fell rapidly from 187 Ϯ 28.2 to 87 Ϯ 3.7 m/s as lung density fell from 0.93 Ϯ 0.01 to 0.75 Ϯ 0.01 g/ml (lung density ϭ lung weight/gas volume plus lung tissue volume). For technical reasons, no estimate of velocity could be made before the first air injection. Thereafter, as lung density fell to 0.35 Ϯ 0.01 g/ml, there was a further decline in velocity to 69.6 Ϯ 4.6 m/s. High-frequency sound was attenuated as lung density decreased from 1.0 to 0.5 g/ml, with little change thereafter down to a density of 0.35 Ϯ 0.01 g/ml. We conclude that both the velocity of audible sound through the lung and the degree to which high-frequency sound is attenuated in the lung provide information on the degree of inflation of the isolated fetal lung, particularly at high lung densities. If studies of sound transmission through the lung in the intact organism were to confirm these findings, the acoustic properties of the lung could provide a means for monitoring lung aeration during mechanical ventilation of newborn infants. fetal lamb; lung expansion; lung density; velocity of sound; sound attenuation IN A STUDY THAT HAS PROVEN highly influential, Rice (16) estimated the velocity of sound in the parenchyma of the excised horse lung by measuring the time it took for a sound impulse to travel between two points on the pleural surface of the lung. He reported that inflation of the lung with air causes the velocity of sound passing through the parenchyma to increase from ϳ30 m/s at a low gas volume to ϳ60 m/s with the lung maximally inflated. He further demonstrated that, when the lung was inflated with helium or sulfur hexafluoride, for which the free-field sound speeds are 970 and 140 m/s, respectively, there was little change in the measured velocity, from which he concluded that sound introduced at the pleural surface travels as longitudinal waves through the bulk of the parenchyma and not along the airways. His analysis indicated that average lung density and gas stiffness (compliance; approximately constant for diatomic gases) are the important