Chevron Shale O i l Company P.O. Box 599 Denver, CO 80201 B. Project Scope This collaborative project with industrial participants studied oil shale retorting through an integrated program of fundamental research, mathematical model development and operation of a 4-tonne-per-day solid recirculation oil shale test unit. Quarterly, project personnel presented progress and findings to a Project Guidence Committee consisting of company representatives and DOE program management. We successfully operated the test unit, developed the oil shale process (OSP) mathematical model, evaluated technical plans for process scale up and determined economics for a successful small scale commercial deployment, producing premium motor fuel, specility chemicals along with electricity co-production. In budget negotiations, DOE funding for this three year CRADA was texminated, 17 months prematurely, as of October 1993. Funds to restore the project and continue the partnership have not been secured. C. Technical Our technical progress stopped as of October 1993, due to tennination of funding by DOE. No closeout funds were provided for project closeout or summary. Plans for process scale-up and field demonstration are currently on hold. D. Partner Contribution Our industrial partneers provided technical know-how &d guidence through quartely meetings of the Project Guidance Committee. Due to the premature shutdown of the project, no further plans are progressing by industry for deployment of the technology.