Nozzle flows of gas-particle mixtures are analyzed for particle loadings for which the particle volume may not be negligible. Nozzle shapes are such that the particle velocity is a constant fraction of the gas velocity. The influence of various parameters which enter into the analysis is discussed. For loading ratios greater than about five, the gas and particle temperatures remain substantially constant for the entire flow, and the assumption of isothermal flow reduces the flow equations to algebraic relationships. Throat conditions then can be obtained directly without having to compute the entire flow. A procedure is outlined to evaluate the ranges of the loading ratio for which the assumption of either isothermal flow or of negligible particle volume keeps errors below a desired level, and it is found that these ranges may overlap. An important intermediate range of the loading ratio therefore exists, typically from about five to fifty, for which both simplifying assumptions are permissible with a resultant extreme simplification of the relationships.Nomenclature a = speed of sound of gas A = cross-sectional area of nozzle c p = specific heat of gas at constant pressure c = specific heat of particles CD = drag coefficient D = diameter of particles F = thrust g = acceleration of gravity /s P = specific impulse K = velocity ratio, Up/Uo k = thermal conductivity of gas m = mass flow rate of gas Nu = Nusselt number p -pressure P = dimensionless pressure, p/p r R = individual gas constant Re = Reynolds number, poD(uo -up)/n T = temperature u = velocity U = dimensionless velocity, u/a r = $u/oL r x = distance coordinate X = dimensionless distance coordinate, l8fj,x/a r ppD* a = equilibrium speed of sound in the gas-particle mixture jS = density ratio in the reservoir, PG.T/PP -y = ratio of the specific heats of the gas F = ratio of the specific heats for equilibrium in the gas-particle mixture, Eq. (20) 5 = specific heat ratio, c/c p e = volume fraction of the particles f = ratio of sound speeds, a r /a r 77 = loading ratio e = dimensionless temperature, T/T r fj, = viscosity of gas p = density Subscripts and superscripts G = gas P = particles