Abstract. The fragmentations of [AA + M] + complexes, where AA 0 Phe, Tyr, Trp, or His, and M is a monovalent metal (Li, Na, or Ag), have been exhaustively studied through collision-induced dissociation (CID) and through deuterium labeling. Dissociations of the Li-and Ag-containing complexes gave a large number of fragment ions; by contrast, the sodium/amino acid complexes have lower binding energies, and dissociation resulted in much simpler spectra, with loss of the entire ligand dominating. Unambiguous assignments of these fragment ions were made and formation mechanisms are proposed. Of particular interest are fragmentations in which the charge was retained on the organic fragment and the metal was lost, either as a metal hydride (AgH) or hydroxide (LiOH) or as the silver atom (Ag