Cálculos teóricos da reação do cátion formila (CHO + ) com tolueno, cumeno e p-cresol mostraram que a transferência de próton é termodinamicamente preferida em relação a acilação. No caso do tolueneo, a acilação do anel aromático, para formação do complexo de Wheland, é 11,7 kcal mol -1 mais alta em energia ( H) que a protonação, em nível de cálculo MP4(SDTQ)/ 6-31++G(d,p)//MP2(full)/6-31G(d,p). Esta diferença diminui com a introdução de um grupo hidroxila no anel (p-cresol) ou substituindo o grupo metila por isopropila (cumeno). A protonação do tolueno pelo H 3 + e pelo cátion isoformila é, respectivamente, 88,6 e 84,5 kcal mol -1 mais exotérmica que a acilação em nível MP4(SDTQ)/6-31++G(d,p)//MP2(full)/6-31G(d,p). A afinidade protônica do p-cresol foi calculada como sendo 195,4 kcal mol -1 .Theoretical calculations of the reaction of formyl cation (CHO + ) with toluene, cumene and p-cresol showed that proton transfer is thermodynamically preferred over acylation. For toluene, acylation of the aromatic ring, to form the Wheland complex, is 11.7 kcal mol -1 higher in energy ( H) than protonation, at MP4(SDTQ)/6-31++G(d,p)//MP2(full)/6-31G(d,p) level of theory. This difference reduces upon introduction of a hydroxy group in the ring (p-cresol) or replacing the methyl group by an isopropyl group (cumene). Protonation of toluene by H 3 + and isoformyl cation is 88.6 and 84.5 kcal mol -1 , respectively, more exothermic than acylation, at MP4(SDTQ)/ 6-31++G(d,p)//MP2(full)/6-31G(d,p). The proton affinity of p-cresol was calculated to be 195.4 kcal mol -1 .Keywords: formyl cation, Friedel-Crafts acylation, gas phase ion reaction, proton transfer
IntroductionFriedel-Crafts acylation is an important reaction in organic and industrial chemistry.1 Many important chemicals, like fragrances, pharmaceuticals and dyes are industrially produced through acylation steps. In addition, the Gatterman-Koch reaction 2 is a useful procedure to produce benzaldehydes, through the reaction of carbon monoxide and an aromatic compound, catalyzed by a strong Bronsted acid, like HF.Acylation of aromatic compounds has long been studied in the gas phase.3,4 Speranza and Sparapani showed that gas phase acetylation of alkylbenzenes does not follow the same reactivity trend found in solution, 5 suggesting that solvent, counter ion and catalyst play a major role in the reactivity of the CH 3 CO + cation in condensed phase. Strong electrophilic acylium ions, such as CF 3 CO + , are able to acylate deactivated substrates, such as trifluorobenzene, in the gas phase.6 Cerichelli et al. 7 reported that formyl cation behaves as a Bronsted acid in gas phase, exclusively transferring a proton to toluene, rather than producing formylated products. This behavior contrasts with the reactivity of C 2 H 5 + and i-C 3 H 7 + cations in gas phase, both capable of acting as Lewis (alkylation) and Bronsted (protonation) acids toward toluene. In the present study we carried out theoretical calculations on the thermochemistry of acylation (formation of the Whela...