Gas-phase ion/ion reactions are emerging as flexible means for probing and manipulating analyte ions with particular utility in bioanalysis.What are the elements of an analytically useful chemical reaction? This question is implicit in much of analytical chemistry but is rarely addressed explicitly. Nevertheless, sometimes it is useful to articulate the obvious in order to place into context the relative strengths and weaknesses of the "chemical" part of an analytical method. Any list of desirable reaction characteristics would include high reaction efficiencysideally, 100% conversion of a reactant of interest (usually the analyte) to product(s). This trait underlies titrimetry, for example. Another obvious characteristic on the list is formation of products that are readily distinguishable from the reactants by available methods. For example, the naked eye can detect the color change associated with an acid-base or redox indicator. Instrumental techniques are a much more sophisticated means for "seeing" differences between reactants and products via, for example, spectroscopic, electrochemical, chromatographic, or mass spectral properties. A third criterion is that the reaction must perform a desirable function, such as precipitating an analyte in solution or making a transformation that facilitates a subsequent step in the process. These three characteristics are either necessary or desirable for any chemical reaction used in analysis. A fourth characteristic of selectivity might also be included, although no generalizations can be made in this regard. In some cases, for example, assays based on selective catalysts, such as enzymes, benefit from a high degree of selectivity. In other cases, "universal" reactions are desired, at least within a class of compounds (e.g., in the conversion of organic nitrogen compounds to ammonia in a Kjeldahl determination).This report describes the emergence of a new class of analytically useful chemical reactionssviz., gas-phase ion/ion reactionssimplemented within the context of an MS experiment. The advent of ionization methods that can generate multiplycharged ions, principally ESI and its variants, 1 has made the exploration of this reaction type possible. Chemical reactions have always played key roles in organic and biological MS experiments when both mass and structural information are of interest. The formation of gaseous ions, a sine qua non for an MS experiment, generally involves both chemical and physical processes, the former often causing the removal or attachment of an electron or ion in the gas phase. Mass and structural information for a molecule of interest is obtained via measurement of the mass-tocharge ratios (m/z) of the ions derived from the molecule. In this sense, the gaseous ion serves as a surrogate for the molecule of interest. Structural information, which has largely been restricted to information about bond connectivity, has generally been derived from unimolecular dissociation of the ion. This fragmentation may result from energy deposited into t...