We have studied the recombination of chlorine atoms in the presence of argon over a wide range of ratios [C12]/ [Ar]. The recombination of chlorine atoms has not attracted much attention because of detection difficulties, due to the low-absorption cross section of the chlorine molecules and the low degree of dissociation of the chlorine molecules obtainable with conventional flashtubes. In the past, the above difficulties were overcome with the use of higher chlorine concentrations [ 1 1 or longer absorbing paths [2]. In this work, we have used a coaxial flashlamp, which can achieve a high degree of dissociation, owing to the close optical coupling between the photolyzing source and the sample.The experiments were performed with a flash photolysis apparatus which employs a coaxial flashlamp and operates in the kinetic mode. The coaxial flashlamp, powered by a low capacitor of 1.5 pF and charged to a high voltage up to 25 kV, can provide pulses down to 1 ps duration and 500 J energy. The reaction cell was 33 cm long and had 1.6 cm inside diameter, and a coaxial quartz cylinder (32 cm long and 6 mm i.d.) was introduced to it through two removable quartz windows. The probing light source was a high-pressure 70-W Xe-arc lamp, and the absorption of chlorine molecules was monitored at 3500 A with a 0.75-m spectrometer and a 1P28 photomultiplier. The chlorine partial pressures were 8-12 Torr.In the experiments with ratios, [C12]/[Ar), less than 0.05, the observed rate constants were plotted as a function of the ratio [CI& [Ar]. The contribution of chlorine molecules to the recombination of chlorine atoms was on the order of the experimental error; therefore, k&s N ~Z A~. The value obtained for k~~ at room temperature was k~~ = (5.8 f 1.4) X lo9 L2 mol-2 s-l