The followin g properties of a sample of cis-2-butene, 99.94 percent pure~ were measured: (1 ) the sp ecifi c heat of solid and of li quid from 15° to 300 o K, (2) h eat of fusion at the triple point (130.25 into joule g_l) , (3) triple-point temperature ( -13S.900 ± O.OOSo C) , (4) heats of vaporization at several temperatures between 246° and 2 93°K, and (5) vapor pressure from 200° to 296°K. With these experimental data, calculations were made of (1) the normal boiling temperature (3.71S°C) , (2) volume of the saturatcd vap or, (3) ent ha lpy and ent ropy of the solid and the liquid from 0° to 300 0 K , and (4) entropy, enthalpy , and spccific heat of the vapor in the ideal gas state from 245° to 300°K, Thermodynamic functions for cis--2-butene in the idea.l ga.s state from 300° to l,500 0 K were calculated from spectroscopic data . Thermodynamic data for the cis-trans isomerization of 2-butene are included.