Dedicated to Professor Robert G. Bergman on the occasion of his 60th birthday Electrospray ionization of methanolic solutions of nickel(II) nitrate, 1,1'-binaphthalene-2,2'-diol (BINOL), and secondary alcohols (ROH) inter alia affords monocationic complexes of the typeþ , where BINOLate stands for singly deprotonated BINOL. Upon collisioninduced dissociation (CID), the mass-selected ions undergo competing fragmentations involving loss of the alcohol ligand and expulsion of the corresponding carbonyl compound. The latter reaction leads to the hydride complex [(BINOL)Ni(H)] þ and can thus be regarded as the reversal of the reduction of ketones with metal hydrides. The possibility of the occurrence of enantioselective gas-phase reactions is probed for combinations of chiral BINOLate ligands with chiral alkan-2-ols. Whereas aliphatic alkan-2-ols do not show pronounced chiral effects, enantioselective bond activation is observed for 1-phenylethanol, indicating an interaction of the aromatic ring of the alkanol with the positively charged metal center.Introduction. -While mass spectrometry has elucidated a wealth of mechanistic details about gas-phase reactions of transition-metal ions, even relevant in the context of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis [1], only few examples of enantioselective gas-phase reactions have been reported so far. This is indeed a crucial lack of insight, considering the enormous relevance of transition-metal catalysts in asymmetric synthesis, on the one hand, and the often rather limited mechanistic information about these reactions, on the other. In particular, the molecular origin of enantioselectivity in transition-metal-mediated reactions is often unknown, and catalyst optimization thus by and large still based upon mere trial-and-error procedures, instead of relying on more systematic approaches. One major reason for the only few examples of enantioselective reactions in gas-phase chemistry is associated with the use of mass spectrometry, which a priori is an achiral method of detection. Moreover, as the desired, usually organic product is released as a neutral molecule after bond-formation has taken place, it escapes detection in conventional mass-spectrometric experiments. The challenge in the discovery of enantioselective gas-phase reactions is thus not only to find appropriate systems which bear chiral effects, but also to identify those systems in which these effects can be measured by monitoring the ionic products of a reaction.