In fiscal year 2016 an Engineering Evaluation of an integrated off-gas system was conducted. This study resulted in a report entitled Engineering Evaluation of an Integrated Off-Gas Treatment System for Used Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing Facilities (Jubin et al. 2016a), from here referred to as the "Engineering Evaluation." This study focused on the capture and retention of the volatile radionuclides ( 3 H, 14 C, 85 Kr, and 129 I), selected semi-volatile radionuclides, specifically 106 Ru, and chemical species like NO and NO 2 generated during the dissolution of the used nuclear fuel. The study examined the design of the combined head-end off-gas streams and the vessel off-gas stream. The study drew upon the available literature to conduct the equipment sizing and sorbent usage. A number of assumptions were required to complete this analysis and major gaps in the available data were identified that, if resolved, could increase the fidelity of the engineering design.This assessment looks at those identified data gaps and the more subtle assumptions that were required in the Engineering Evaluation and provides a detailed look at the specific data needs for each major system. This assessment of the data gaps builds on a study conducted early in fiscal year 2016 that established a set of performance criteria for capture and immobilization technologies. The gaps identified in the engineering assessment also provided a check on the breadth of the criteria and metrics that were previously developed. During the analysis of the data gaps it was necessary to expand the metrics slightly to capture co-adsorption effects and to address desorption, neither of which were included in the original set of metrics. Across the six major off-gas control systems evaluated a number of common data gaps became apparent. These include: Capacity and adsorption rate data needs appear common for virtually all the unit operations considered. These two parameters dictate the dimensions and operating conditions of the sorbent beds and wet scrubber systems. The capacity dictates the mass and volume of Ru, tritium, I, and Kr/Xe sorbent beds for a given adsorption duration; the adsorption rate dictates the needed depth of the solid sorbent beds and the height of the wet scrubbers. Co-adsorption of other species is important to the extent that this interferes with the adsorption of the target species, impacts process operation, or impacts handling, recycle, or disposal of the spent sorbent/scrub solutions, and the waste form and disposal of the captured species. This is of secondary importance compared to demonstrating and optimizing capacity and adsorption rates for the target species; but co-adsorption and impacts of coadsorption are areas where generally even less is currently known for both sorbent beds and wet scrubber systems. Sorbent particle and bulk densities impact the volume of the adsorption system for a given mass of sorbent, but these physical properties data are readily measured. For systems including regenerable sorbents, data o...