I25 vision of specific remedial physiotherapy for a short period a day in the early stages with the progressive addition during convalescence of physical training, occupational therapy and mvntal exercise so that gradually the whole day is devoted to the process of recovering the physical and mental capacity for a full day's work. For example a patient in the later stages of convalescence from a severe pneumonia might spend the final days in hospital in the following manner. 9-I0 ward duties, I0-I0.30 standing chest class, I0.30-II break, II-I2 lecture, I2-I lunch, I-3 workshops or gardening, 3-4 standing chest class followed by games, 4 tea. In this manner a few days extra are spent in hospital in getting thoroughly fit instead of leaving at the earliest possible moment and spending an indeterminate convalescence at home. It is not necessary to live in hospital for the final stages and, indeed, the greater contentment of being able to live at home is a positive contribution to rehabilitation; but facilities must be available for the patient to spend the whole day at the rehabilitation centre and to have a midday meal and rest.