The aim of this study was to describe the role of diagnostic imaging and endoscopy to define the diagnose of the upper gastrointestinal tract disorder of the Schnauzer. The information from the owner stated that the dog has been vomiting for a year, sometimes containing blood. There might also be a possibility that it had eaten a corpus alienum. This case study covered physical examination, hematology and blood chemical analysis, diagnostic imaging radiography and ultrasonography as well as endoscopy performed. Physical examination showed weight loss and anorexia. Hematology and blood chemical analysis showed an increase in hemoglobin, hematocrit, lymphocyte, ureum, creatinine, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) values. Abdominal radiograph showed no abnormality in the abdominal organs. Abdominal ultrasonography showed a hiperechoic elongated mass attached on the stomach mucosal surface which forms an acoustic shadowing at the ventral. Endoscopy showed pathological lesions that is inconsistency of stomach mucosa surface, foamy fluid in the stomach, ulcers and erosion of the stomach mucosal surface. Based on the diagnostic imaging and endoscopy performed, the animal was clearly diagnosed with chronic gastritis accompanied by stomach ulcer and erosion. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Key words: diagnostic imaging, endoscopy, Schnauzer, upper gastrointestinal tract disorder ABSTRAK Studi kasus ini bertujuan menetapkan diagnosis gangguan saluran pencernaan atas pada anjing Schnauzer melalui pencitraan and endoskopi. Berdasarkan keterangan dari pemilik (anamnesa), anjing mengalami muntah yang intermiten and sesekali disertai darah yang sudah berlangsung selama satu tahun serta diduga anjing tersebut memakan benda asing. Studi kasus yang dilakukan meliputi pemeriksaan fisik, pemeriksaan hematologi and kimia darah, pencitraan radiografi, pencitraan ultrasonografi, serta endoskopi. Hasil pemeriksaan fisik menunjukkan aandya kondisi kekurusan and anoreksia. Pemeriksaan hematologi and kimia darah menunjukkan aandya peningkatan jumlah limfosit, hemoglobin (Hb), hematokrit (Hct), ureum, kreatinin, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). Pencitraan radiografi abdomen menunjukkan tidak terdapat kelainan pada organ-organ di daerah abdomen. Ultrasonografi lambung terlihat bentukan hiperekhoik memanjang pada permukaan mukosa lambung yang membentuk acoustic shadowing di bagian ventral namun temuan ini tidak spesifik terhadap satu kelainan tertentu. Hasil endoskopi menunjukkan beberapa lesio patologis yang sangat siginifkan yaitu ketidakteraturan mukosa lambung, busa cairan empedu di lambung, ulkus, and erosi lambung. Berdasarkan gabungan hasil diagnosis pencitraan and endoskopi, hewan didiagnosis menderita gastritis kronis disertai ulkus and erosi lambung. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Kata kunci: diagnosis pen...