P Pu ur rp po os se e: : To compare the laryngeal mask airways (LMA), LMAClassic™ (LMA-C) and LMA-ProSeal™ (PLMA) with the endotracheal tube (ETT) with respect to pulmonary ventilation and gastric distension during gynecologic laparoscopy.
M Me et th ho od ds s: :We stratified 209 women, aged $ 18 yr, ASA physical status I-III, by body mass index as non-obese (# 30 kg·m -2 ) or obese (> 30 kg·m -2 ) and randomized them to LMA-C/PLMA or ETT groups for airway management. Anesthesia was induced with propofol, fentanyl and succinylcholine or rocuronium. In the LMA-C/PLMA group we used a size 4 LMA-C in non-obese patients and size 4 or 5 PLMA in obese patients. In the ETT group we used a cuffed 7.0 mm ETT in all patients. Anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane in nitrous oxide and 30-50% oxygen, fentanyl and neuromuscular blockade with mechanical ventilation (tidal volume 10 mL·kg -1 ). The staff surgeon, blinded to the type of airway, scored stomach size on an ordinal scale 0-10 at initial insertion of the laparoscope and immediately before the conclusion of the surgical procedure.R Re es su ul lt ts s: : There were no crossovers and no statistically significant differences between LMA-C/PLMA and ETT groups for SpO 2, P ET CO 2 or airway pressure before or during peritoneal insufflation in short (# 15 min) or long (> 15 min) periods of peritoneal inflation. Differences between groups with respect to stomach size changes during surgery were not statistically significant. C Co on nc cl lu us si io on n: : A correctly placed LMA-C or PLMA is as effective as an ETT for positive pressure ventilation without clinically important gastric distension in non-obese and obese patients.
Objectif : Comparer les masques laryngés (ML), ML Classique™ (MLC) et le ML ProSeal™ (MLP), au tube endotrachéal (TET) quant à la ventilation pulmonaire et à la distension gastrique pendant la laparoscopie gynécologique.
Méthode : Nous avons réparti 209 femmes, $ 18 ans, d'état physique ASA I-III, selon l'indice de masse corporelle, comme non obèses (# 30 kg·m -2 ) ou obèses (> 30 kg·m -2 ) et leur avons assigné au hasard le MLC/MLP ou le TET pour maintenir la perméabilité des voies aériennes. L'anesthésie a été induite avec du propofol, du fen-