“…Gastrointestinal s���to�s are re�orte�l� �o��on in �iabeti� �atients an� s���to�s are also frequent in in�i�i�uals �ithout ���� Therefore, this stu�� �eter�ine� �hether these GI s���to�s are �ore frequent in the �iabeti� �o�ulation of Qatar an� also assesse� the asso�iation bet�een GI �isor�ers an� �s��hologi�al �istress�� The �otential asso�iation bet�een GI s���to�s an� �s�-�hologi�al �istress in �iabetes has not been stu�ie� in this region�� It is i��ortant to assess the effe�t of GI s���-to�s on the �s��hologi�al �rofile for in�i�i�ual s���-to�s in �iabeti� �atients be�ause the �o-o��urren�es of �s��hologi�al �isor�ers an� gastrointestinal s���to�s �ontribute to a high �e�i�al utilization in �ri�ar� health �are settings�� Co-�orbi�it� see�s to �la� an essential role in in�reasing s���to�s�� The stu�� �ete�te� higher le�els of gastrointestinal s���to�s in the �iabeti� �o�ulation �ith �e�ression an� anxiet� �o��are� to the general �o�ulation�� Ho�e�er, �atients �ith �iabetes are al�ost t�i�e as likel� to suffer fro� anxiet� an� �e�ression than the general �o�ulation [1�] �� In the stu�� sa��le, the �re�alen�e of se�ere �e�res-sion (9��5% vs 4��4%, , P <� 0��001)� an� anxiet� (2���3% <� 0��001)� an� anxiet� (2���3% 0��001)� an� anxiet� (2���3% 0��001)� an� anxiet� (2���3% vs 1�.��%) was significantly higher in diabetic patients than in the health� �o�ulation�� �oloski et al [17] re�orte� that �s��hologi�al �istress is linke� to ha�ing �ersistent GI s���to�s an� frequentl� seeking health �are�� �ore than half of the �iabeti� �atients (58��3%)� e�aluate� re�orte� at least t�o or �ore troubleso�e GI s���to�s, �hi�h is very close to the figure reported in a study by Talley et al [18] (40%), with a significant difference with the healthy subje�ts�� An in�rease� �re�alen�e of GI s���to�s in �atients �ith �iabetes �as re�orte� in the stu�� sa��le �hi�h is in agree�ent �ith �re�ious stu�ies [1,19] �� In a Chinese �iabeti� �o�ulation [20] , it �as foun� that 70% of the� ha� GI s���to�s �hi�h �as �u�h higher than in their non-�iabeti� �ontrols�� The �ifferen�e in GI s���-toms prevalence among studies depends on the specific �iabeti� �o�ulation�� The �ajorit� of the �iabeti� �atients (39��3%)� �ith gastrointestinal s���to�s �ere obser�e� in the age grou� 45-54 �ears�� -54 �ears�� 54 �ears�� In our �iabeti� �o�ulation, �atients �ere �ore �e-�resse� �ith the GI s���to�s of anal blo�kage (4���5% vs 20��0%)�, heartburn (41��9% ��0%)�, heartburn (41��9% %)�, heartburn (41��9% vs 12��5%)�, <� 3 bo�els��k 3 bo�els��k 3 bo�els��k (51��2% vs 18��8%)�, �� 3 bo�els�� (48��8% 3 bo�els�� (48��8% 3 bo�els�� (48��8% vs 20��0%)�, earl� ��0%)�, earl� %)�, earl� satiet� (41��9% vs 5%)� an� fe�al in�ontinen�e (37��2% vs 5%)� �o��are� to health� subje�ts�� In a stu�� b� �olaski et al [17] , it �as foun� that in�rease� le�els of �s��hologi-�al �istress �ere asso�iate� �ith �ersistent GI s���to�s, in �arti�ular ab�o�inal �ain, �onsti�ation an� bloating, �hi�h is si�ilar to our stu�� results�� �e �ort et al [21] in�i-�ate� that GI s���to�s �ere �onsi�erabl� higher in the �iabeti� �o�ulation �ith 17��9% for �iarrhea, 1���1% for �onsti�ation, 19���% for bloating an� 12��5% for earl� satiet��� B�tzer B�tzer…”