We consider the effect of thermal phonon displacements on the coherent transport in carbon nanotubes. The atomic displacements are generated using tight-binding molecular dynamics simulations, and the conductances are computed using a nonequilibrium Green's function technique. Atomic displacements due to lattice vibrations lead to different levels of conductance reduction and fluctuation on the massive and massless bands of a metallic nanotube. Different conduction regimes are studied by examining the resistance on different length scales. The temperature-induced displacements have a significant impact on the ballistic or diffusive transport in carbon nanotube. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.79.161404 PACS number͑s͒: 73.63.Ϫb, 63.22.Ϫm, 65.80.ϩn Resistive heating is expected to be a severe problem when the miniaturization of electronic components reaches the ultimate limit of the nanoscale. Such an overheating effect is unavoidable for nanowire made of the ordinary metals or III-V semiconductors. As a potentially ballistic conductor, 1 carbon nanotubes seem to offer a unique alternative conducting wires and elements. This is a result of their peculiar band dispersion and absence of surface scattering for conduction electrons. On the other hand, there must be a transition from ballistic to diffusive transport and eventually to localization behavior in a one-dimensional system when disorder sets in. The question is about the length of the tube and the amount of disorder that will make such transitions observable. We present results of electron transport for carbon nanotube segments of different lengths in the presence of different amount of atomic position disorder, owing to the finite temperatureinduced lattice vibrations. The atomic displacements are generated using the tight-binding molecular dynamics ͑TBMD͒. The impact of lattice distortions on the charge transport is captured by the configurational averaging statistics. In this scheme, electron-phonon interactions for a large number of vibrational modes in realistic nanotubes need not be directly calculated. 2 In contrast, so far calculations of electronphonon matrix element calculations have been limited to study periodic nanotube or small molecular systems. 3 The model structure is an armchair metallic ͑6,6͒ nanotube which consists of 576 carbon atoms in the scattering region ͑d ϳ 60 Å in length͒. To better deal with the low frequency acoustic and optical phonon modes an even longer tube supercell could be considered, although that makes our computation more expensive. First, we run TBMD ͑Ref. 4͒ at 100, 300, and 700 K, where the temperature has been rescaled to take zero point motion into account. The details of the TBMD method can be found elsewhere. 5,6 The advantage of the TBMD approach is that it incorporates the electronic effects into molecular dynamics ͑MD͒ through an environment-dependent tight-binding Hamiltonian, 7,8 with parameters fitted to a very broad data generated by firstprinciples calculations. We have calculated some phonon frequencies of dia...