“…When egocentric encoding is found, in rodents, for example, by "egocentric boundary cells" (Alexander et al, 2020(Alexander et al, , 2023Wang et al, 2018Wang et al, , 2020Wang et al, , 2023, the most parsimonious account of its utility is in obstacle avoidance (a running rat with poor vision using vibrissae and olfactory cues does not want to run into a boundary), for maintaining distances from other individuals as in flying flocks of birds or bats, and so forth. In conclusion, hippocampal and parahippocampal cortex spatial view cells found in primates including humans may be key to understanding the functions of the hippocampal system in memory and navigation in humans (Georges-François et al, 1999;Robertson et al, 1998;Rolls, 1999Rolls, , 2021aRolls, , 2021bRolls, , 2021cRolls, , 2023aRolls, , 2023bRolls et al, 1998;Rolls, Robertson, & Georges-François, 1997); these cells go beyond rodent place cells, and indeed they compute something different and are used in different ways.…”