We use a self-consistent method to study the current of the single molecular transistor modulated by the transverse gate-bias in the level of the first-principles calculations. The numerical resultsshow that both the polyacene-dithiol molecules and the fused-ring oligothiophene molecules are the potential high-frequency molecular transistor controlled by the transverse field. The long molecules of the polyacene-dithiol or the fused-ring thiophene are in favor of realizing the gate-bias controlled molecular transistor. The theoretical results suggest the related experiments.
I. INTRODUCTIONUsing organic molecules as functional units for electronic apparatus application is an interesting goal of nanoelectronic devices.1,2 The common and important function of these devices is that the current can be controlled effectively. In the last several years, many experimental and theoretical works were carried out to study the transport properties through a single molecule, or even to design the molecular electronic devices. 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28 At present, people have realized two major approaches to control molecular transport. One is through the conformational change in the molecule, the other is through the external transverse field to switch the molecule from an "on" to an "off" state. Many authors have focused their attention on the former one for a long time. 20,21,22,23,24,25 Despite the conformational change in the molecule can be achieved by using the electric or light fields, its operational frequency is low. Now, the attention is transferred to the latter one due to its high operation frequency. Several experiments have identified their feasibility. 26,27,28 Currently, the π-conjugated organic oligomers and polymers are the subject of considerable research interest in the organic semiconductors. The organic semiconductors can be employed as active layers in the field effect transistors (FET). 26 The gate-bias controlled molecular transistor is successfully achieved experimentally 28 from perylene tetracarboxylic diimide (PTCDI), a redox molecule. Recently, the current behavior of the single molecule has received increasing attention. Single organic oligomers such as pentathienoacene (PTA), pentacene, perylene and so on are all the key objects in the theoretical study. But at present, few theoretical work sheds light on the organic molecular transistor controlled by the transverse field. The rigorous treatment of the molecular device in theory calls for the combination of the theory of quantum transport with the first-principles calculations of the electronic structure in the self-consistent scheme. In this paper, we use the density functional theory (DFT) and non-equilibrium Green's function to study the transverse field effect (TFE) on current transport of the single organic oligomer.2