We discuss the smooth hybrid inflation scenario in the context of a simple supersymmetric
grand unified theory (GUT) in a 5D orbifold. In this GUT model, the
gauge symmetry is broken down to the Pati–Salam (PS) gauge group,
SU(4)c × SU(2)L × SU(2)R, by means of orbifold boundary conditions, and all matter and Higgs multiplets are placed
only on the brane (PS brane) where only the PS symmetry is manifest. Further
breaking of the Pati–Salam group to the standard model one is realized by means
of vacuum expectation values of the Higgs multiplets . The gauge coupling unification is successfully realized at
MGUT = 4.6 × 1017 GeV after incorporating the threshold corrections of the Kaluza–Klein modes, with the
compactification scale (assumed to be the same as the PS symmetry breaking scale)
Mc = vPS = 1.2 × 1016 GeV. We show that this orbifold GUT model can naturally lead us to smooth hybrid inflation, which
turns out to be consistent with the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe five-year data, with the
and vPS
predicted within the model.