The meson static properties are investigated in Pauli-Villars regularized Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model in strong magnetic field. The quark dimension reduction leads to not only the magnetic catalysis effect on chiral symmetry restoration but also a sudden jump of the mass of the Goldstone mode at the Mott transition temperature.PACS numbers: 75.30.Kz, 11.30.Qc, 21.65.Qr It is well known that, the quark dimension reduction in magnetic field leads to an increasing critical temperature of chiral restoration, namely the magnetic catalysis effect [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. From the Goldstone theorem, the spontaneous breaking of a global symmetry implies the existence of Goldstone bosons. In two-flavor case, the neutral pion is identified as the Goldstone mode in the presence of a magnetic field. The pion properties such as its mass and decay constant play an important role in chiral dynamics [8,9]. For instance, the neutral mesons are potential for explaining the inverse magnetic catalysis [10,11] and delayed magnetic catalysis [12].The Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model at quark level describes well the chiral symmetry breaking in vacuum and its restoration at finite temperature and baryon density [13][14][15][16][17]. In the model, mesons are treated as quantum fluctuations, and neutral mesons can be affected by the external magnetic field through their constituent quarks. The neutral mesons in magnetized NJL model are investigated in vacuum and at finite temperature by taking different methods like the assumption of four-momentum independent meson polarizations [14], magnetic field independent regularization scheme [18,19], and derivative expansion [20,21] and Φ-derivable approach [22]. In this paper, we focus on how the quark dimension reduction in magnetic field affects the neutral meson properties at finite temperature and density in the Pauli-Villars regularization scheme.The SU(2) NJL model is defined through the Lagrangian density [13][14][15][16][17] (1) where the covariant derivative D µ = ∂ µ − iQA µ couples quarks to the external magnetic field B = (0, 0, B) in z-direction, Q = diag(Q u , Q d ) = diag(2e/3, −e/3) and µ = diag(µ u , µ d ) = diag(µ B /3, µ B /3) are electric charge and quark chemical potential matrices in flavor space with µ B being baryon chemical potential, G is the coupling constant in scalar and pseudo-scalar channels, and m 0 is the current quark mass characterizing the explicit chiral symmetry breaking.Taking the Leung-Ritus-Wang method [23][24][25][26][27], the quark condensate ψ ψ or the dynamical quark mass m q = m 0 − G ψ ψ at mean field level is controlled by the gap equationwith J 1 = N c f,n α n |Q f B|/(2π) dp z /(2π)J 0 /(2E f ) and, where N c = 3 is the number of colors which is trivial in the NJL model, α n = 2 − δ n0 is the spin degeneracy, and E ± f = E f ± µ B /3 are the quark energies with E f = p 2 z + 2n|Q f B| + m 2 q . Note that, the quark three-momentum integration in vacuum is reduced to a summation over Landau energy levels plus a onedimensional momentum integration in ...