Spin-charge separation, a crucial ingredient in 2D models of strongly correlated systems, in mostly considered in condensed matter applications. In this paper we present a relativistic field-theoretic model in which charged particles of spin 1/2 emerge by soldering spinless charges and magnetic vortices in a confinement quantum phase transition modelled as a tensor Higgs mechanism. The model involves two gauge fields, a vector one and a two-form gauge field interacting by the topological BF term. When this tensor gauge symmetry is spontaneously broken charges are soldered to the ends of magnetic vortices and thus confined by a linear potential. If the vector potential has a topological θ-term with value θ = π, the constituents of this "meson" acquire spin 1/2 in this transition.PACS numbers: 11.15.Wx,73.43.Nq The concept of spin-charge separation is one of the guiding principles of the modern approach to strongly correlated, low-dimensional systems [1]. The idea is that, in specific ground states, the electron is fractionalized into two "constituent" quasi-particles, the chargeon (holon), carrying only the charge degree of freedom and the spinon, carrying only the spin degree of freedom. The two quasi-particles interact via emergent gauge fields: the electron is reconstituted when the gauge interaction becomes strong enough to cause confinement. This mechanism was shown by Haldane [2] to be a generic feature of 1D metallic systems. Moreover, the idea of electron fractionalization is thought to play a crucial role in the physics of the high-T c cuprates. Indeed, spin-charge separation seems to be an unavoidable characteristics of the 2D tJ model [3,4] of the doped Mott insulators, capturing the essential physics of high-T c superconductivity [5]. Electron fractionalization in these models leads to new quantum orders not characterized by symmetry breaking [6].A key ingredient of the spin-charge separation idea in 2D is the representation of chargeons and spinons as a two-fluid model with mutual Chern-Simons interactions [5], a picture that can be analytically derived from the tJ model [3,4]. Mixed Chern-Simons fluids as representations of condensed matter systems where first introduced in [7], where it was shown that they capture all the essential physics of 2D Josephson junction arrays. In the same paper it was also pointed out that this two-fluid construction can be generalized to 3D, the topological interaction being encoded in what is known as the BF term [8]. Fractionalization in higher dimensions was fur- * Electronic address: cristina.diamantini@pg.infn.it † Electronic address: ca.trugenberger@bluewin.ch ther studied in [9] in the context of microscopic two-fluid lattice models.Spin-charge separation has been studied mainly in the framework of condensed matter models. Much less is known about the possibility of such fractionalisation in the context of relativistic field theory. In this paper we present a simple model in which we show that charged particles with spin 1/2 emerge in a model of spinless char...