It was found that s-wave scattering of chiral fermion off dilaton black-hole when studied with a model generated from the chiral Schwinger model with standard Jackiw-Rajaraman type of anomaly provided information non preserving result. However this scattering problem when studied with a model generated from chiral Schwinger model with generalized Faddeevian type of anomaly rendered information preserving result and it had well agreement with Hawking's revised proposal related to information loss. A minute and equitable investigation in detail has been carried out here to show how Faddeevian type of anomaly scores over the Jackiw-Rajaraman type of anomaly in connection with the s-wave scattering of chiral fermion of dilaton black-hole related to preservation of information.
PACS numbers:Free chiral boson can be thought of in terms of chiral fermion in (1 + 1) dimension which is a basic ingredient of heterotic string theory. So the theories involving chiral boson is interesting in its own right. There are quite a good mumbler of interesting field theoretical models involving free as well as interacting chiral boson [1][2][3][4][5]. So scattering of chiral fermion off dilaton black-hole would certainly be of interest and the model presented in the article [6] is so beautifully formulated that s-wave scattering of chiral fermion too can be studied in a significant manner. In the article [7], the authors first made an attempt to study the s-wave scattering of chiral fermion off dilaton black-hole, but they obtained a result which went against preservation of information. The interacting (gauged) chiral boson (fermion) part in that case was taken from the interacting model invented by Harada in [5]. This model was generated from the usual chiral Schwinger model with the standard one para meter class of anomaly introduced by Jackiw-Rajaraman [8] under the imposition of a chiral constraint by hand in the phase space of the theory. Recently, it is shown in the article [9], that it can be obtained directly from the gauged action of Siegel type chiral boson [1,3] too.Although in the article [7], the s-wave scattering of chiral fermion off dilaton black-hole rendered a result with nonpreservation of information, in our article [10], we have shown that s-wave scattering of chiral fermion with generalized Faddeevian anomaly [11] leads to an information preserving result. This information preserving result related to information loss scenario of course is a gift of the Faddeevian anomaly and it indeed agrees with Hawking's revised suggestion [12]. In this article, an attempt has, therefore, been made to carry out a minute and detailed investigation how Faddeevian anomaly changes the scenario related to information loss in the scattering of chiral fermion off dilaton black-hole.In this context, and for the sake of the readers benefit, we should mention a bit history related to information loss paradox. It is universally accepted that the issue that received special attention related to black-hole physics is the possible informat...