Model equations for describing and efficiently computing the radiation profiles of tightly sphericallyfocused higher-order electromagnetic beams of vortex nature are derived stemming from a vectorial analysis with the complex-source-point method. This solution, termed as a high-order quasi-Gaussian (qG) vortex beam, exactly satisfies the vector Helmholtz and Maxwell's equations. It is characterized by a nonzero integer degree and order (n,m), respectively, an arbitrary waist w 0 , a diffraction convergence length known as the Rayleigh range z R , and an azimuthal phase dependency in the form of a complex exponential corresponding to a vortex beam. An attractive feature of the high-order solution is the rigorous description of strongly focused (or strongly divergent) vortex wave-fields without the need of neither the higher-order corrections nor the numerically intensive methods. Closed-form expressions and computational results illustrate the analysis and some properties of the high-order qG vortex beams based on the axial and transverse polarization schemes of the vector potentials with emphasis on the beam waist. PACS number(s): 41.20.Jb, 42.25.Bs, 42.15.Dp, 42.25.Fx, 02.90.+p