Two‐user multiple‐access relay channel (MARC) with side information (SI) non‐causally known at one encoder is studied, where transmitters send a common message with rate R0, and private messages with rates R1 and R2; and derive a general achievable rate region by appropriately using superposition block Markov encoding, binning scheme, Gel'fand–Pinsker (GP) coding and partial decode‐forward (PDF) strategy at the relay. Also, it is shown that this capacity inner bound can be tight for two special classes of degraded and reversely degraded multiple‐access relay channels with one informed encoder. In order for the theoretical findings to be potentially applicable in communications performance metrics evaluations, the obtained general achievable rate region, while having all of the previous works on the point to point, relay and multiple access channels with and without SI as its special cases, is extended to the corresponding Gaussian version, the dirty paper coding of which has been a challenging and widely studied problem, and the result of which includes a variety of previously studied important Gaussian results. Finally, mathematical results are evaluated numerically.