Beam quality behavior of Gaussian Schell-model beams that propagate through Gaussian apertures is analyzed.The control and characterization of the spatial profiles of laser beams is, at present, a field of growing interest because of the attractive possibility of improving the perfor mances of important metrological and industrial processes. Thus, quite recently 1 ' 2 a family of measurable parameters has been defined in terms of the second-order coherence features of beams that describe their focusing capabilities, divergence properties, and degree of asymmetry or astigma tism under propagation through general ABCD optical systems. Moreover, a new parameter has been introduced in the literature 3,4 that can be used as an appropriate description of the beam quality in passive and active media.5 Among other properties, this characteristic param eter remains invariant under propagation through firstorder systems. An immediate consequence could be de rived from this invariance property: in order to improve the quality of an arbitrary beam non-ABCD optical systems are necessarily required. In the present work attention is concentrated on a certain class of soft-edge diffraction apertures, namely, the so-called Gaussian apertures, which, as is seen later, are specially suitable to control the quality of Gaussian Schell-model (GSM) beams. As is well known, these types of field, because of their noncoherent nature, do not produce harmful laser effects, such as speckle or ringing, and, under rather general conditions, they behave as highly directional wave fields. 6,7 In the following, after the pertinent definitions and the procedure to be used are introduced, we analyze the behavior of the quality of GSM fields that propagate through Gaussian apertures in terms of both their coherence length and their width.Since GSM beams are partially spatially coherent, it appears appropriate to employ the Wigner distribution function (WDF) formalism. Restricting ourselves, for sim plicity, to essentially bidimensional beams, let us then start from the expression of the WDF associated with a GSM field:In this expression x denotes the spatial variable transversal to the propagation direction z, ku is the wave vector component along the x axis (hence u would represent an angle of propagation, without taking the evanescent into account), P t is the total irradiance, σ 1 (z) and R(z) are the beamwidth and the curvature radius at the z plane, and the constant γ is the so-called global degree of coherence, i.e., the ratio between the transversal coherence length and the beamwidth. It is well known 8 that integration of the WDF over the angular variable u gives the beam intensity, and its integral over the spatial variable x is proportional to the radiant intensity of the field. Moreover, by defining the average (q) in the form we can introduce a number of characteristic beam parame ters, namely, (x), (u), (x 2 ), and (u 2 ), representing, respec tively, the center of the beam, its direction of propagation, its (squared) width, and its (s...