Entanglement can offer substantial advantages in quantum information processing, but loss and noise hinder its applications in practical scenarios. Although it has been well known for decades that the classical communication capacity over lossy and noisy bosonic channels can be significantly enhanced by entanglement, no practical encoding and decoding schemes are available to realize any entanglement-enabled advantage. Here, we report structured encoding and decoding schemes for such an entanglement-assisted communication scenario. Specifically, we show that phase encoding on the entangled two-mode squeezed vacuum state saturates the entanglement-assisted classical communication capacity and overcomes the fundamental limit of covert communication without entanglement assistance. We then construct receivers for optimum hypothesis testing protocols under discrete phase modulation and for optimum noisy phase estimation protocols under continuous phase modulation. Our results pave the way for entanglement-assisted communication and sensing in the radiofrequency and microwave spectral ranges.
I. INTRODUCTIONEntanglement's benefit for quantum information processing has been revealed by pioneer works in communication [1], sensing [2-4], and computation [5]. Notably, the entanglement-enabled advantages even survive loss and noise in certain scenarios, as predicted [6][7][8] and experimentally demonstrated [9][10][11] in the entanglementenhanced sensing protocol called quantum illumination.It is also known, in theory, that pre-shared entanglement increases the classical communication capacity, i.e., the maximum rate of reliable communication of classical bits (cbits), over a quantum channel Φ. In an ideal case, the superdense-coding [12] protocol allows for sending two cbits on a single qubit, with the assistance of one entanglement bit (ebit). Formally, one characterizes the rate limit of such EA communication by the classical capacity with unlimited entanglement-assistance [1,[13][14][15], C E (Φ) [16]. Compared with the classical capacity without entanglement-assistance, i.e., the Holevo-Schumacher-Westmoreland capacity, C (Φ) [17][18][19], the improvement enabled by entanglement can be drastic even over a noisy channel Φ. In particular, it is known [1] that the ratio of C E (Φ) /C (Φ) can diverge logarithmically with the inverse of signal power over a noisy and lossy bosonic channel [20]. Such an EA scenario is widely applicable to radiofrequency communication, deep space communication [21], and covert communication [22,23].Despite the large advantage of EA capacity, a practical EA encoding and decoding scheme that achieves any advantage over the classical capacity is unknown in the high noise regime. Previous experiments [24,25] focused on ideal scenarios with qubits; Although the EA capac- * zhuangquntao@email.arizona.edu ity formula for bosonic Gaussian channel is well established [26,27], the achievability proof in Ref.[1] relies on approximating an infinite dimensional channel as a channel with finite but large d...