Although marginally more complicated than the traditional Laplace sum-rules, Gaussian sum-rules have the advantage of being able to probe excited and ground states with similar sensitivity. Gaussian sum-rule analysis techniques are applied to the problematic scalar glueball channel to determine masses, widths and relative resonance strengths of low-lying scalar glueball states contributing to the hadronic spectral function. A feature of our analysis is the inclusion of instanton contributions to the scalar gluonic correlation function. Compared with the next-to-leading Gaussian sum-rule, the analysis of the lowest-weighted sum-rule (which contains a large scale-independent contribution from the low energy theorem) is shown to be unreliable because of instability under QCD uncertainties. However, the presence of instanton effects leads to approximately consistent mass scales in the lowest weighted and next-lowest weighted sum-rules. The analysis of the next-to-leading sum-rule demonstrates that a single narrow resonance model does not provide an adequate description of the hadronic spectral function. Consequently, we consider a wide variety of phenomenological models which distribute resonance strength over a broad region-some of which lead to excellent agreement between the theoretical prediction and phenomenological models. Including QCD uncertainties, our results indicate that the hadronic contributions to the spectral function stem from a pair of resonances with masses in the range 0.8-1.6 GeV, with the lighter of the two potentially having a large width.