“…Concurrent with this increase in availability of low-cost eye trackers, there is an emerging trend to publish software for (scientific) eye tracking on an open-source basis, making it freely available to all. Examples range from openEyes (Li, Babcock, & Parkhurst, 2006), a complete head-mounted device with tracking software; via ITU's Gaze Tracker (San Agustin et al, 2010;San Agustin, Skovsgaard, Hansen, & Hansen, 2009) and GazeParser (Sogo, 2013), packages designed to analyse (web)camera footage of eyes; to PsychoPy (Peirce, 2007(Peirce, , 2009, OpenSesame (Mathôt, Schreij, & Theeuwes, 2012) and PyGaze , stimulus generators that support existing (mostly commercial) eye trackers.…”