Vitamin-D has pleiotropic effects on calcium and bone metabolism, cellular growth control, cell differentiation and modulation of both innate and acquired immune response. Previous studies revealed the association of vitamin-D receptor gene (VDR) polymorphism with infection diseases including HIV-1 infection. To assess for association between polymorphisms of vitamin-D pathway genes CYP27B1, vitamin-D binding protein (VDBP) and VDR with HIV-1 infection, disease progression to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) was analysed according to CDC93 criteria in a cohort of 185 HIV-1 seroprevalent patients belonging to the injection drug users. Genotype data was obtained from rs10877012, rs3782130 and rs4646536 markers at CYP27B1 locus; rs7041 and rs4588 at VDBP locus; and rs11568820, rs4516035, rs2228570, rs1544410 and rs17878969 at VDR locus. Distribution of genotypes between patients grouped by outcome was compared by contingency table analysis. Marker-marker interaction was assessed by a MDR analysis. Assuming an additive model for VDR markers, a Kaplan-Meier survival analysis was employed to evaluate association with disease progression. Among vitamin-D pathway genes, VDR locus reveals specific 5'UTR and 3'UTR diplotype combinations associated with both, slower and faster progression to AIDS. Marker-marker interaction analysis indicates a strong interaction between VDR markers and a redundant effect for CYP27B1 markers. According to our results, VDR locus association follows an additive model in which increased genetic risk score for the VDR is directly correlated with AIDS progression rates. Our data supports a role of vitamin-D pathway gene variability on HIV-1 disease progression.