1.In the recent study [1] of Pb 5 (Ge 1 -x Si x ) 3 O 11 solid solution crystals doped with gadolinium, it was found that the trigonal electron paramagnetic reso nance (EPR) spectrum of single Gd 3+ ions observed in Pb 5 Ge 3 O 11 is split into four spectra with strongly broadened lines. It was shown that these spectra are associated with the triclinic Gd 3+ -Si dimer centers; the Gd 3+ ions of these complexes substitute for the Pb 2+ ions; and the Si 4+ ions are located in the positions of the nearest germanium spheres. Models of the localization of silicon ions were proposed for all the observed Gd 3+ -Si centers. It is obvious that the pres ence of silicon ions in more distant germanium spheres also disturbs the spectrum of Gd 3+ ions. It is the existence of a large number of variants of the sub stitution Si 4+ Ge 4+ in these spheres that is respon sible for the strong broadening of the transitions of the triclinic dimer centers.In [1], it was ignored that the EPR spectrum in the region of the resonances -1/2 +1/2 of Gd 3+ -Si centers in the vicinity of the orientation B || C 3 (B is the magnetic induction) demonstrates an anomalous shape and behavior with a deviation from B || C 3 and that, in a wide vicinity of the coincidence of the tran sitions ±1/2 ±3/2, there is an additional signal [2][3][4][5]. This work is devoted to the study of the aforemen tioned features in the EPR spectrum of Gd 3+ centers in single crystals of the Pb 5 (Ge 0.85 Si 0.15 ) 3 O 11 solid solu tions.2. We studied Pb 5 (Ge 0.85 Si 0.15 ) 3 O 11 single crystals grown by the Czochralski method from the charge containing 0.01 mol % gadolinium [1]. The fraction of silicon in the charge during the growth coincided, within the limits of experimental error, with the results of comparison of the peak intensities of the X ray luminescence lines of lead and germanium in crystals with silicon and without it. The structure of the Pb 5 Ge 3 O 11 single crystal, which undergoes a second order ferroelectric structural transition P3 at a temperature of 450 K, was investigated in [6,7]. The EPR spectra were recorded on a Bruker EMX Plus X band (3 cm) EPR spectrometer at temperatures in the range from 100 to 450 K. The temperature of the sample was measured and maintained constant with an accuracy of ±1 K.
3.The change in the shape of the first derivative of the absorption spectrum in the region of the transi tions -1/2 +1/2 of Gd 3+ -Si centers with a devia tion from the orientation B || C 3 is illustrated in Fig. 1. The character of the orientation changes of the spec trum does not depend on the microwave power, even though at a power higher than 1 mW the saturation effects similar to those observed in other transitions become noticeable. It should be noted that, in the magnetic field range shown in Fig. 1, there are unre solved transitions -1/2 +1/2 of four triclinic cen ters (Gd Si 1, Gd Si 2, Gd Si 3, and Gd Si 4 in the notation used in [1]), each represented by three signals of the structurally equivalent but differently oriented com plexes. T...