Coagulants and raw materials effects on the sensory characteristics of acid and salt-induced soft tofutype gels were investigated and compared. Gels made from soybean were more whitish than the ones made from SPI with L* values between 79.743 and 80.847. Similarly, the raw materials affected more the volatile compounds composition than the coagulants. It was also established that CaSO 4 produced softer gels with hardness values varying between 104 and 145 g compare to 173 and 302 g for acidinduced gels. Salt-induced soybean gels demonstrated the highest score for beany taste (7.67), bitter taste (7.39) and mouthfeel (7.25). Correlation results depicted that the volatile compounds did not have a positive nor negative significant impact on mouthfeel of soft tofu gels; however, they were significantly correlated to beany and bitter taste. Furthermore, all free amino acids were positively correlated to beany, bitter taste and mouthfeel except cysteine. Glutamic acid, alanine, tyrosine, methionine and isoleucine free amino acids showed a significant influence on beany taste; while, glutamic acid, tyrosine, methionine and isoleucine showed a significant impact on bitter taste.