This study approaches the question of whether on-line shopping preferences differ from a gender perspective. Data is collected by the means of an on-line survey (n = 170) in which male and female on-line shoppers rank the importance of various features that have an impact on their shopping experience. The results show no gender differences at the construct level. However, when comparing the ranking of individual features some statistically significant differences exist. Males, for example, rank accurate description of products and fair pricing significantly more important than females. Females on the other hand consider return labels significantly more important than their male counterparts. The implications for research are twofold. First, the study provides additional insights into on-line shopping preferences from a gender perspective. Second, the study demonstrates that significant differences might not show on the construct level but only when features are individually compared with each other. The implication for practice is to help businesses enhance their on-line shopping platforms to better consider the particular needs of male and female on-line shoppers.