Glaucoma is the third cause of blindness after cataracts and refractive disorders. About 4.5 million people worldwide suffer from blindness due to primary glaucoma. A study on the characteristics of primary glaucoma in Eye Clinic at RA Basoeni Mojokerto Hospital in the period of January-December 2016 had been performed in a descriptive cross sectional retropective study, observing: glaucoma type, gender, age, laterality, visual acuity, and intra ocular pressure (IOP). The type of primary glaucoma that most patients experienced was primary closed angle glaucoma. In primary open-angle glaucoma, the number of male patients was almost the same as female patients. Whereas, in primary closed-angle glaucoma, there were more female patients than male. Primary glaucoma patients, both open and closed, were mostly >60 years old. Both primary open and closed angle glaucoma occurred mostly bilaterally. The highest visual acuity of primary glaucoma patients was mild vision loss and near-total vision loss. More glaucoma patients had IOP >21 mmHg, both in right and left eye.