have reported variable incidence rates of AAD, ranging from 2.5 to 7.2 per 100,000 person-years, including cases of out-of-hospital deaths. 5,7-10 However, the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, including AAD, might exhibit regional differences in incidence and mortality rates due to differences in genetic factors, and environmental conditions, including lifestyle or dietary factors by race/ethnicity. 11 To date, there have been few population-based studies examining the epidemiological evidence for AAD in Asia. Furthermore, data are scarce regarding the char-A cute aortic dissection (AAD) is a life-threatening cardiovascular disease, 1 but as described in guidelines from the USA, Europe, and Japan, epidemiological data for AAD are insufficient and accurate incidence rates have not yet been elucidated. 2-4 Given that AAD often rapidly progresses to a lethal condition, 5 it is important to calculate the incidence rate by including AAD patients who died outside hospitals and in emergency rooms to evaluate the true incidence. 6 Previous population-based registries in Western countries