Abstract-Increased endothelin-1-mediated vasoconstrictor tone has been linked to the etiology of a number of pathologies associated with human aging, including hypertension, congestive heart failure, and coronary artery disease. However, it is currently unclear whether aging, per se, is associated with enhanced endothelin-1 system activity. We hypothesized that endothelin-1 vasoconstrictor activity is greater in healthy older compared with young men and that regular aerobic exercise is an effective intervention for reducing endothelin-1 vasoconstrictor tone in older previously sedentary men. Forearm blood flow (plethysmography) responses to intra-arterial infusion of endothelin-1 (5 pmol/min; for 20 minutes) and selective (BQ-123; 100 nmol/min; for 60 minutes) and nonselective (BQ-123ϩBQ-788; 100 nmol/min; for 60 minutes) endothelin-1 receptor blockade were determined in 28 healthy, sedentary men: 13 younger (age: 27Ϯ1 years) and 15 older (age: 62Ϯ2 years). The vasoconstrictor response to endothelin-1 was significantly blunted (Ϸ65%) in the older versus younger men. In response to BQ-123, resting forearm blood flow increased (Ϸ20%; PϽ0.05) in the older but not in the younger men. Key Words: elderly Ⅲ exercise Ⅲ endothelin Ⅲ blood flow regulation M any of the cardiovascular complications associated with aging (eg, hypertension, arterial spasm, and myocardial infarction) are attributable, at least in part, to endothelial dysfunction, particularly vasomotor dysregulation. 1-3 Impaired vasomotor function occurs early in the atherosclerotic process, contributes to disease development and progression, and can trigger acute cardiovascular events. 4 -6 In addition to the synthesis and release of relaxing factors, such as NO, the vascular endothelium also produces contracting factors, the most potent of which is endothelin (ET)-1. Produced by the proteolytic cleavage of big ET-1 by ET converting enzyme, endothelial ET-1 is predominantly (Ͼ80%) released abluminally toward the vascular smooth muscle. 7 Binding of ET-1 to ET A and ET B receptors on vascular smooth muscle cells activates the phospholipase C-inositol triphosphate pathway resulting in an increase in intracellular calcium causing phosphorylation of myosin kinase and, in turn, long-lasting smooth muscle cell contraction. 7,8 Importantly, increased ET-1-mediated vasoconstriction has been linked to the etiology of a number of cardiovascular pathologies, including hypertension, vasospasm, coronary artery disease, and chronic heart failure. 8 -10 There is strong evidence in animal models that aging is associated with elevated ET-1 system activation. 11,12 However, data regarding the influence of aging on ET-1 system activity in adult humans are limited. Kumazaki et al 13 reported that cultured endothelial cells from the aorta of adults over the age of 50 years produce and release more ET-1 compared with cells from younger adults. Some studies have reported age-related increases in circulating levels of ET-1 14,15 ; however, the pathophysiological significance of ...