Objective: This research concerns the implementation of a government agency performance accountability system based on synergy. The research objective is to build synergy-based government performance accountability in the implementation of government agency performance accountability systems.
Theoretical Framework: Synergy is an activity carried out for joint operations. Synergy is an activity or condition of cooperation in which one party and another party mutually support and coordinate a policy. This study also correlates the synergy in the implementation of government agency performance accountability systems.
Method: This research was conducted in Denpasar City. This study uses data collection techniques that are carried out by observation, interviews, and documents related to research. The data were then analyzed by qualitative analysis.
Findings: The results of this study indicate that the synergy of each SKPD has synergized in the implementation of the performance accountability system for government agencies in Denpasar City. This can be seen from the existence of communication and coordination which results in cooperation and collaboration in the preparation of a Strategic Plan that contains the vision, mission, goals, strategies, policies, and government work programs which are then outlined in the Annual Performance Plan, then an Annual Performance Agreement is carried out and measured using Key Performance Indicators to produce a maximum Performance Accountability Report.
Implications: This research has implications in producing an implementation of a government agency performance accountability system based on synergy.