DOI: 10.1177/0733464818800651
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Gender Differences in Perceived Workplace Flexibility Among Older Workers in the Netherlands: A Brief Report

Abstract: Flexibility in work schedule and work location have been suggested as being work features that may promote prolonged employment among older workers. This study focuses on the question whether access to workplace flexibility differs between male and female older workers and how potential differences can be explained. Analyses are based on data collected in 2015 among 4,813 Dutch older workers (age 60-65 years), who were employed in the government, education, care, and welfare sectors. Results show that… Show more

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Cited by 22 publications
(25 citation statements)
References 19 publications
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“…However, statistical data shows that women are less likely to work than men. And this correlates with the conclusions of other authors (Komp et al 2010;Maestas 2010;Kim, Feldman 2000;Damman, Henkens 2018;Damman et al 2015;Pleau 2010;Maestas, Zissimopoulos 2010;Shacklock et al 2009). As it was mentioned earlier, women receive a lower wage during their whole careers and have a lower workforce participation rate due to childcare or the care of other family members (Hult 2008;Komp et al 2010;Pleau 2010); they are less active in retirement, too.…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 87%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…However, statistical data shows that women are less likely to work than men. And this correlates with the conclusions of other authors (Komp et al 2010;Maestas 2010;Kim, Feldman 2000;Damman, Henkens 2018;Damman et al 2015;Pleau 2010;Maestas, Zissimopoulos 2010;Shacklock et al 2009). As it was mentioned earlier, women receive a lower wage during their whole careers and have a lower workforce participation rate due to childcare or the care of other family members (Hult 2008;Komp et al 2010;Pleau 2010); they are less active in retirement, too.…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 87%
“…grouped by the author.Individual factors.A well-known and important predictor of bridge employment is gender, with men being more likely to work in bridge jobs(Komp et al 2010;Maestas 2010;Kim, Feldman 2000;Damman, Henkens 2018; Damman et al 2015;Pleau 2010;Maestas, Zissimopoulos 2010; …”
confidence: 99%
“…However, statistical data shows that women are less likely to work than men. And this correlates with the conclusions of other authors (Komp et al 2010;Maestas 2010;Kim, Feldman 2000;Damman, Henkens 2018;Damman et al 2015;Pleau 2010;Maestas, Zissimopoulos 2010;Shacklock et al 2009). As it was mentioned earlier, women receive a lower wage during their whole careers and have a lower workforce participation rate due to childcare or the care of other family members (Hult 2008;Komp et al 2010;Pleau 2010); they are less active in retirement, too.…”
confidence: 87%
“…Individual factors. A well-known and important predictor of bridge employment is gender, with men being more likely to work in bridge jobs (Komp et al 2010;Maestas 2010;Kim, Feldman 2000;Damman, Henkens 2018;Damman et al 2015;Pleau 2010;Maestas, Zissimopoulos 2010;Shacklock et al 2009). Most authors agree that women's labor force participation rate is lower than men's rate because of social norms and women's responsibility for familial caregiving (Hult 2008;Komp et al 2010;Pleau 2010).…”
Section: Hypothesesmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Flexibility in terms of work schedule and work location are generally seen as being beneficial work features that may promote continued employment of older workers ( Dropkin, Moline, Kim, & Gold, 2016 ). High levels of flexibility with respect to schedule and location are strongly associated with higher levels of work satisfaction among older workers ( Damman & Henkens, 2018 ). The recent “lockdown” of many economies has been a catalyst for this “strategy by necessity.” It has been put into practice by numerous organizations, by letting employees work from home, and offering products and services online.…”
Section: Building Buffers In Covid-19 Timesmentioning
confidence: 99%