104 7 SDG5, gender equality: co-benefits and challenges ellen kuhlmann, gabriela lotta
IntroductionUniversal healthcare coverage (UHC), "Health for all" and "Leaving no one behind" (WHO, 2021) need to include equity of and access for women, men and all other genders. The reverse is true as well: gender equality and human rights need health equity. Assessing policy co-benefits and improving intersectoral governance may help us achieve progress in these areas. This chapter explores the linkages between SDG3 Health and SDG5 "Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls". We introduce selected sub-goals/targets of the two SDGs and briefly clarify the terms and concepts of gender equality. We argue that health equity and gender equality are "'twin forces" that are historically connected and cannot be separated, creating either strong co-benefits or a "double jeopardy" scenario for health and gender equality. Thus, developments at the crossroads of SDG3 and SDG5 are never "gender neutral" and need attention for two reasons: to strengthen the health policy co-benefits and to prevent and mitigate adverse effects if gender equality is ignored.The chapter describes the pathways between health and gender equality, taking into account theoretical issues, governance and policy challenges. We introduce a conceptual model of researching co-benefits that expands the focus on macro-level co-benefits towards more complex governance processes and outcomes. Selected empirical case studies consider four major targets of SDG5 and related SDG3 sub-goals, illustrating different scenarios of implementation of health and gender co-benefits in a range of policy and governance contexts.Our first case study highlights an optimum scenario of co-benefits driven by health policy action, using two mini-case studies as empirical examples: domestic violence against women (Amin, Kismödi & García-Moreno, 2015; WHO, 2002) and training midwives to improve access of migrant women to healthcare (Fair et al., 2021). Both examples are characterized through a global/European approach and a scenario of