Teaching (or learning) a foreign language is a complex, interdisciplinary undertaking. Teachers and students are required to tackle aspects of language that transcend its merely linguistic component. This article discusses the relationship between language, thought and culture, and explores some aspects of the integration of cultural content in the English classroom. To achieve these goals, a study is conducted that identifies the main stereotypes about Americans among Slovenian university students of English as a foreign language. The results of the research can be used as a means of questioning some frequent stereotypes about Americans, and thus contributing to the fulfilment of (sometimes seemingly abstract) curricular aims that emphasize the significance of intercultural communication, awareness of cultural variety, and intercultural sensitivity.Keywords: national stereotypes; teaching culture; curriculum; intercultural communication Srečevanja z nacionalnimi stereotipi v tujejezikovnem poučevanju: Pridevniki, ki opisujejo Američane POVZETEK Poučevanje (ali učenje) tujega jezika je zapleteno in interdisciplinarno delo. Učitelji in učenci se spopadajo z vidiki jezika, ki presegajo zgolj njegovo jezikovno komponento. Članek zato razpravlja o odnosu med jezikom, mislijo in kulturo ter se osredinja na nekatere vidike vključevanja kulturnih vsebin v poučevanje angleščine. To doseže s proučevanjem stereotipov: prispevek predstavi ugotovitve ankete, ki razkriva glavne stereotipe o Američanih med slovenskimi študenti angleščine. Rezultati raziskave lahko pripomorejo k dekonstrukciji pogostih stereotipov o Američanih in tako prispevajo k uresničevanju (včasih navidezno abstraktnih) ciljev v učnih načrtih, ki poudarjajo pomembnost medkulturne komunikacije, zavedanje kulturne raznolikosti in medkulturno občutljivost.